Innovations in environmental legislation as major topics of the Bavarian Immission Protection Days

In cooperation with Müller‑BBM, the Bayerisches Landesamt für Umwelt (LfU) and Andrea Versteyl Rechtsanwälte, KUMAS organized the 8th Bavarian Immission Protection Days in Augsburg. A total of about 200 participants came to the specialists' convention on topics like air pollution and noise control on 22 and 23 June.

The participants from industry, administration, law enforcement authorities, notified measuring bodies and engineering companies are all affected by the imminent amendment of the TA Luft and therefore watch the coordination process of the parties involved with great attention. The schedule for the two event days included topics such as the amendment of the TA Luft, the UVPG (Environmental Impact Assessment Act ) and the Umwelt-Rechtsbehelfsgesetzes (Environmental Appeals Act), the LAI implementation recommendation concerning formaldehyde and the transposition of the Seveso III Directive into national law. Further topics were the current draft status of the “Verordnung über Verdunstungskühlanlagen “ (Regulation on Vaporation Coolers) and the microbe air contamination. In the panel discussion on airborne emissions in conurbations, the view points of the municipalities, the automobile industry, the Chamber of Industry and Commerce and science representatives were presented and scrutinised. Moderator Norbert Suritsch (Müller-BBM) summarized the result of the overall discussion with the following words: “There is not a singular approach or a singular solution but we have to adjust many levers in order to improve the air quality in our towns. All parties including the final consumer should be involved in this process.” The meeting was rounded off with lectures on noise reduction on industrial sites and status of noise reduction techniques. Interested visitors and job seeks were pleased about numerous job offers and a large number of seminar offers at Müller-BBM’s company’s stand. The 9th Bavarian Immission Protection Days are planned for 28/29 June 2017.

Imminent events with the participation of Müller-BBM

Even during the breaks there were lively discussions on innovations in environmental legislation at the company stand of Müller-BBM.

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