Consulting – Planning – Measurements – Expert Reports – Research for building, environment and technology

Media Contact

You are a media professional, journalist or editor (domestic or international) seeking to know more about what we do? Our team in the press and media division would be happy to provide you with information on all our relevant issues. Whenever possible, our experts will try to be available for background talks, statements or publications.

Members of the specialized press are warmly invited to join an active media partnership including free entrance to our seminars and workshops for coverage. Or, why not register on our mailing list for news and press releases? Anyway, newsworthy information can be easily obtained from "news" on our website.

Please do not hesitate to ask for informative material and photographs – if we have it, we will send it promptly to your desk.

The fastest way to contact your PR representative at Müller-BBM Industry Solutions GmbH is through e-mail.


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