Continuation of the UBA time series on the noise behaviour of the German vehicle fleet

The Federal Environment Agency (UBA) has conducted several measurement campaigns in the past to analyse the noise behaviour of the German vehicle fleet. The last campaign to date was carried out by Müller-BBM in 2011/2012. Now, after ten years, another measurement campaign has been commissioned and conducted by Müller-BBM Industry Solutions. The aim of the current project was to analyse trends compared to previous campaigns and to assess the potential for noise reduction through increasing electromobility and the use of certain road surfaces. Autonomous pass-by measurements in accordance with DIN EN ISO 11819-1 (SPB), near-field measurements in accordance with DIN EN ISO 11819-2 (CPX) and texture measurements in accordance with DIN EN ISO 13473 were therefore carried out at 30 locations throughout Germany. In addition, experts were asked about the past and future development of the noise behaviour of the German vehicle fleet.

The final report ‘UBA Texts 08/2025

Measurement of road surface properties

Measurement set-up of the autonomous SPB measurements in a typical measurement situation. Left: overview, right: detailed view.

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