Seventh Bavarian Congress on Air Quality and Noise Protection

In cooperation with Müller-BBM GmbH, Andrea Versteyl Rechtsanwälte and the Bayerisches Landesamt für Umwelt (LfU), KUMAS organizes each year the Bavarian Congress on Air Quality and Noise Protection in Augsburg. On 24 and 25 June, about 200 participants attended the expert congress and the connected exhibition on the topics air pollution and noise control.

Besides expert topics, an important issue of this congress in the Landesamt für Umwelt (Bavarian State Office for Environment) was the so-called “networking”. The participants from industry, administration, notified measuring bodies and engineering companies work in the area of air pollution control and noise control. The agenda of the two day event included current topics such as increased demands on the operation and monitoring of industrial plants (Industrial Emissions Directive), the BAT reference documents, the BAT conclusions and the amendment of the TA Luft (Technical Guidelines on Air Quality Control) and the UVPG (Environmental Impact Assessment Act). Interesting lectures on the "Überwachungsübereinkunft” (Bavarian Monitoring Convention) and on practical solutions for odour complaints by technical measures and mediation rounded off the programme.

For job seekers there were various vacancies at Müller-BBM GmbH and many seminar offers at the company exhibition stand.


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