Working group on VDI 3891 "Emission reduction – human cremation plants" visits Planegg

At the invitation of our colleague Christopher König (far right) from our Stuttgart branch, the participants of the working group on VDI 3891 met at the headquarters of Müller-BBM Industry Solutions GmbH on the occasion of their 13th meeting.

Working group chair Dr Schetter (centre) was pleased to have the opportunity to meet at the location of a working group member. Peter Plegnière (far left), representing the VDI/DIN Commission on Clean Air (KRdL) – Standards Committee – coordinated the meeting with the host. The two-day intensive working meeting was accompanied by a company tour and a visit to test stands and laboratory facilities. Managing Director Walter Grotz also took the opportunity to warmly welcome the participants.

The VDI 3891 working group visits Planegg.

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