Climate change: Impacts on urban climate and industrial sites
Climate change does not only mean an increase in the global average temperature. With climate change, the structural composition of the part of the atmosphere in which we live is also changing. All these changes affect many areas of our living and working environment with far-reaching consequences for the environment, economy and society. Many of these changes are already foreseeable today and (still) leave the time to counter climate change with suitable adaptation strategies.
Urban climate: Müller-BBM Industry Solutions GmbH supports municipalities, project developers and planners already in the early stages of measures to improve the urban climate. Central issues are the aeration of city districts or individual streets, the formation of extreme heat in the urban area or the effect of compensatory measures such as green spaces and other urban planning design options.
As a first step, the "current state" is recorded with urban climate models. In a second step, the changes due to climate change can be presented. The challenge of urban climate models is to reproduce the urban area with its individual streets and buildings at a high level of spatial and temporal detail.
Industrial sites: Investments in environmentally sensitive industrial sectors have life cycles of 10 years and longer. A strategic planning must take the impacts of climate change into account.
Within the scope of approval procedures, Müller-BBM Industry Solutions GmbH prepares expert reports to demonstrate compliance with legal requirements for the current state. Furthermore, the effects of climate change can be recognised at an early stage by means of climate scenarios. Appropriate adaptation strategies enable an environmentally compatible operation even under changed climatological conditions.
Müller-BBM Industry Solutions GmbH supports the industrial sector with detailed climatological modelling and shows the climatically sensitive areas.