Legally compliant business organisation
Executives and company managers are responsible for observing employer and operator duties within the company and at production locations, e.g. as specified in § 52 b of the German Federal Pollution Control Act (BImSchG). For this purpose, it is important to continually delegate responsibility, tasks, and power, and to structure processes in such a way that they are accepted and practised by the employees, and shouldered by them as well. This is the only possible way for a legally compliant business organisation, once established, to be sustained.
Responsible management therefore requires a legally compliant business organisation that takes account of all legal requirements in the respective markets. We provide you with support during the set-up of a legally compliant organisational and procedural structure premised on our experience and our expertise in the technical sphere along with the associated organisational modifications and procedural adjustments.
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Thomas Dalder is a registered expert according to § 29b in the field of “operating organization and safety management” (specialized on questions concerning organization and management).