FFH compatibility assessment and tests, FFH preliminary assessment
Conservation of fauna and flora habitats (FFH) is an primary objective of nature conservation, especially at the European level. "Natura 2000" serves to establish and safeguard a coherent, ecological European network of FFHs and bird sanctuaries. The legal basis for it are Directives 92/43/EEC and 79/409/EEC.
Müller-BBM Industry Solutions GmbH supports planners and plant operators of in the vicinity of Natura 2000 areas with comprehensive know-how. In the process, we first investigate, as part of an FFH compatibility assessment, whether the intended projects are potentially harmful to Natura 2000 areas, either individually or in interaction with other projects. Under certain circumstances this is highly complex, since specific conservation objectives for particular species of animals and plants apply to each Natura 2000 area. The FFH compatibility assessment clarifies whether or not the intended project is compatible with the conservation objectives of the areas concerned. The extent to which implementation of a compatibility assessment is necessary for a planned project is determined by an FFH preliminary assessment.
Our services include:
- Determining the extent of the FHH compatibility assessment (scoping)
- FFH preliminary assessment (FFH screening)
- FFH compatibility assessments/FFH compatibility tests
- Working out solutions for ensuring FFH compatibility
- Documents for planning approval under exceptional conditions
- Integrating the results of the FFH preliminary assessment in compatibility investigations/assessments, environmental reports, etc.
- Coordination with the respective authorities