Function test and calibration of stationary measurement systems
Müller-BBM Industry Solutions GmbH is a notified body for verifying the correct installation, functioning, and calibration of automated measurement devices. Notification encompasses the following areas:
- No. 5.3 of the Clean Air Act (technical instructions for air quality control)
- § 17a para 2 of the 1st BImSchV1 (regulation governing small and medium-sized combustion plants)
- § 17a para 7 of the 2nd BImSchV (surface-treatment plants)
- §§ 26, 28 of the 13th BImSchV (regulation governing large-scale combustion plants)
- § 10 of the 17th BImSchV (incineration plants for waste and similar combustible materials)
- § 7 para 3 of the 27th BImSchV (regulation governing crematorium plants)
- § 8 paras 3 and 4 of the 30th BImSchV (regulation governing plants for the organic treatment of waste)
- Annex 6 No. 2.1 of the 31st BImSchV (VOC directive = statutory regulations governing chemicals for limiting the emission of volatile organic compounds)
The operators of the aforementioned plants must continually monitor and register their emissions of harmful substances using stationary measurement systems if plant output or pollutant specific emissions exceed given thresholds.
Depending on the type of plant (power stations, chemicals plants or waste incinerators) the concentration of carbon monoxide, nitrous oxides, sulphur dioxide, dust, hydrogen chloride, ammonia, mercury or the total of organic compounds in addition to the exhaust boundary parameters (temperature, flow volume, etc.) are continually monitored and registered using emissions calculators.
We provide you with advise when it comes to selecting the appropriate measurement devices and carry out the necessary verifications of such measurement devices in the framework of notification. This includes the mandatory three/five-year calibrations in addition to annual functional checks.
1 German Federal Pollution Control Act