Notified body according to § 29b Federal Pollution Control Act
As a rule, the building permits of plants that do not require licensing and the notification of approval of large power plants or industrial plants contain stipulations relative to the emission limits that must not be exceeded. Most of the time, they point out the manner in which compliance with the respective limits must be controlled. Generally, the regulatory authorities of the federal states do not verify compliance with emission limits themselves; they name notified bodies authorised to carry out such verifications on the basis of § 29b of the Federal Emission Control Act (BImSchG). These testing bodies determine the emissions levels of plants under “operating conditions with maximum emission”. The regulatory authority is responsible for evaluating the results in terms of whether the emission limits have or have not been complied with. Müller-BBM Industry Solutions GmbH is Germany's notified body with the most extensive competence.
As a notified testing body according to § 29b BImSchG high demands are placed on the staff, and on the quality of the detailed test instructions stipulated in the quality management handbook. State-of-the-art measurement equipment as well as precision in the use and handling of our measurement equipment are a matter of course at our testing centre. All of the relevant measuring devices are listed under a measurement equipment management programme, and are checked for proper functioning at specified intervals.

Accreditation according to DIN EN 17025 with the specialist module “Emission Protection” is a prerequisite for notification as a testing body according to § 29b BImSchG. Additionally, comprehensive proof of competence, as provided by Müller-BBM, must be furnished for full disclosure. This requires, among other things, a university education, or a minimum of three years' experience for all measurement engineers and technicians before they can perform measurements under their own authority. Moreover, for the current accreditation, more than 100 measurement and calibration reports were submitted to the competent technical assessors as proof of competence of the specialist manager and their representatives.
Müller-BBM GmbH is a notified body according to § 29b BImSchG in the following areas:
- Determination of emisson and immissons of inorganic and organic gaseous or particulate emissions of air pollutants
- Determination of emissions, immissions of odours
- Determination of emissions and immissions of substances which require a special measurement equipment (e. g. fibrous dusts, dioxins and furans, dioxin-like PCBs)
- Analyses for determining the content of fibrous dusts in air samples (analysis of dioxins, furans and dioxin-like PCBs by the appropriate notified laboratory mas | münster analytical solutions gmbh
- Determination of the incineration conditions
- Verification of proper installation/functional tests/calibrations of measuring equipment for inorganic and organic gaseous or particulate air pollutants
- Verification of proper installation/functional tests/calibrations of measuring equipment for combustion chamber measurements
- Determination of emissions and immissions of noise
- Determination of emissions and immissions of vibrations