Odour emission measurements
Odour emission measurements are necessary due to various requirements in connection with the environmental impact of diverse plants. The aim of the measurements is to determine the emission behaviour of individual emission sources of complete plants (with respect to odour concentrations, odour flow, and discharge conditions). In addition, further information (e. g. character of the odour) can be detected with the help of the odour samples.
The results of the measurements do not only serve as evidence concerning the compliance of the approval obligations (perform acceptance, operational and monitoring measurements) but can be used as a basis for determining the efficiency factor and the suitability of air purification systems for the respective locations, for elaborating emission inventories and air pollution reducing concepts and as input data for immission prognoses, in particular if odours due to existing plants become a problem for the local residents.

The quality of the odour emission measurements depends on the professional sampling, the metrological determination of the exhaust air boundary parameters, and the olfactometric evaluation of the odour samples with qualified test persons (assessors). For the execution of the measuring tasks we can fall back on qualified and experienced personnel, a comprehensive measurement equipment, several olfactometers as well as a qualified and well-trained test experts at several company locations. We can therefore guarantee geographical proximity for our consultancy and measuring services.
Due to our accreditation according to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018 our notification as German measuring body according to § 29b of the Federal Pollution Control Act and our extensive experience with emission measurements of other exhaust gas components, we are qualified to execute respective measurements appropriately and professionally.

Apart from actual emission measurements we can offer you (when elaborating air pollution reducing concepts) to determine odour thresholds of charge material or products applied or the odour emission potential of process and waste water by olfactometric Evaluation.