Anechoic halfspace
The design and realisation of Müller-BBM Industry Solutions GmbH's anechoic half-space in Planegg offers a multiple use possibilities for the analysis of acoustic problems and supports your product development.
In the test room, sound power measurements with accuracy class 1 according to ISO 3745 for specimens with a maximum volume of 0.45 cubic meters can be carried out - this corresponds to the size of a washing machine. The lower cutoff frequency is 125 Hz for these measurements.
Thanks to the special "room within a room" construction with elastic bearings, a very high sound insulation level between the test area and surrounding buildings is achieved - even the daytime noise level is only about 0 dB(A).
This optimal measurement environment allows not only the standard-compliant and highly accurate determination of sound power from noise sources, but also the analysis of extremely quiet sound sources. By listening to the recorded signals louder, operating noise are examined with the equivalent of an "acoustic magnifying glass". The measuring chamber is equipped with the advanced multi-channel measurement and analysis software PAK® and is equipped with all of the necessary supply terminals, such as compressed air and water.