Calibration laboratory for acceleration and acoustic measurement quantities
For the calibration of its measuring devices, Müller-BBM Industry Solutions GmbH has been operating a calibration laboratory for acceleration and acoustic measurement quantities for many years – as a part of its test laboratory for noise and vibration control, accredited according to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025 (DAkkS registration number
(Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, German National Metrology Institute) as a calibration laboratory for acoustics and acceleration. Effective from 1st January 2010, the German Accreditation Body (DAkkS) has taken over this function from the DKD. The DAkkS registration number is D-K-14119-01-00. Müller-BBM operates a quality management system which is certified according to ISO 9001.
Our services
We calibrate acoustic and vibration measurement devices, such as microphones, sound level meters, sound calibrators, accelerometers and vibration calibrators, independent of their manufacturers. We also calibrate a multitude of amplifiers and filters. The current price list indicates the measuring devices that receive a DAkkS calibration certificate and those that receive factory calibration certificates. All our calibrations are traceable, i.e. each calibration result can be referenced to national or international standards by a continuous line of comparative measurements with given measurement uncertainties.
Calibration methods
The method used for calibration varies depending on the test specimen. In the so-called comparison method, used for sound calibrators and acceleration sensors, the test specimen is compared to a reference standard, and the calibration result is determined from the difference between the test specimen and the reference standard. With the direct calibration methods, used for the calibration of microphones, the calibration result is determined by exposing the test specimen to a known acoustic pressure.
The measurement uncertainty corresponding to each of the applied calibration methods, and determined according to GUM (Guide to the expression of Uncertainty in Measurement), is specified in the calibration certificate.
Customer service
As a rule, the processing time for your measuring devices does not exceed one week. An initial incoming inspection of your devices is carried out, followed by calibration and return delivery to you with the calibration certificate.