Seminars, workshops and conferences

As participant you can benefit from Müller-BBM's experience of 60 years of consulting in the fields of environment, and technology. We offer state-of-the-art and practice-oriented seminars in the company's own training centres at Planegg/Munich and Berlin or in adequate conference centres.

Our seminar programmes are directed to architects, building contractors, engineers, technicians, planners, managers, and key personnel. Environmental officers, company representatives for ambient air protection and/or safety officers as well as authority representatives and plant operators will find informative seminars and workshops with elaborate concepts. The seminars in the field of environment are normally approved according to § 9 BImSchV of the 5th BImSchV.

Topics such as "Noise control for industrial plants", "Technical Acoustics", "Vehicle Acoustics", "Experimental modal analysis", or "Ambient air quality control in practice" and the "Müller-BBM expert talks" belong to our best known events with both internal and external lecturers.

All seminars, workshops and expert meetings are intended to promote the exchange of experience and current knowledge and support the every day work of the participants by showing them adequate approaches. The contact with people of comparable sectors, exchange with authorities and proximity to experts are essential components of our training concept and the reason for satisfied participants.

Alle Präsenztermine stehen unter „Corona-Vorbehalt“

Die Müller-BBM Industry Solutions GmbH behält sich vor, mit Blick auf die aktuellen Entwicklungen der Covid-19-Pandemie, die derzeit als Präsenztermine geplanten Seminarveranstaltungen abzusagen oder als Onlineveranstaltungen anzubieten.

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