Odour immission measurements
Odour immissions are determined according to the standards DIN EN 16841-1 and DIN EN 16841-2 as well as the Annex 7 of the TA Luft 2021 and executed with site inspections by qualified test persons (assessors) in the vicinity of existing plants. There are two methods to determine odour impact: grid inspections (DIN EN 16841-1) and plume inspections (DIN EN 16841-2).
Grid inspection are generally used to determine the pre-load condition in the surroundings of plants to be built or modified and as acceptance testing to verify compliance with the ancillary provisions of pollution legislation. Under defined boundary conditions, this method provides an assessment of the degree (frequency) of existing odour nuisances. In addition to the frequency of odours, the odour intensity and the hedonic impact may also be determined in the field.
Plume inspections are mainly used to determine the emission and/or propagation characteristics of emission sources. With this method, the plume dispersion of emission sources can be determined, dispersion models can be validated or calibrated and – in connection with a dispersion model – odour emissions of emission sources can be estimated.

Apart from the above measurement methods, the odour impact of plants can be classified hedonically by immission inspections. The aim of this method, which uses polarity profiles, is to determine whether the odour impressions of plants have a clearly pleasant hedonic. If this is the case, the respective odour emissions can be granted a bonus within the frame of odour immission predictions.
In Germany, Müller-BBM Industry Solutions GmbH is a notified measuring body according to § 29b of the Federal Pollution Control Act (BImSchG). The measurements are carried out by qualified personnel equipped with comprehensive measuring facilities and trained assessors (test persons) at several of our company locations. Therefore, we can offer our measuring services from branch offices within a reasonable distance.