Protection and safety – latest status
The amendments of the occupational safety legislation (Arbeitsstättenverordnung ((Workplaces Ordinance), Betriebssicherheitsverordnung (Industrial Safety Regulation), Gefahrstoffverordnung (German Ordinance on Hazardous Substances ) etc.) have the same intention: to evaluate the risks to employees at work and on this basis take appropriate measures for occupational safety.
The employer is often confronted with a highly complex task as he has to take into account the current state of the art, occupational health and hygiene as well as a solid knowledge on ergonomics ((Arbeitsschutzgesetz § 4, 3 (German Occupational Safety Act)). This is where our Team from Müller-BBM Industry Solutions GmbH of interdisciplinary qualified engineers and technicians comes in. We provide advice for all necessary measures, from risk evaluation to management systems – for workplaces which are safe and improve job performance.