Vibration control
Müller-BBM can look back on more than 40 years of activity in the field vibration: measurements, recordings, forecasts and assessments are based on introduced standards and directives or following specific requirements.
Site supervision
At building sites in high-density areas we monitor vibrations and airborne noise in order to exclude impairments or damages of neighboured buildings. Here we use our multi-channel measuring instruments or our automated systems for continuous monitoring in combination with highly sensitive sensor technology.
Vibrations from traffic
Rail systems and road traffic cause vibrations that may be responsible for the vibration of constructional components in near-by buildings – possibly a nuisance for residents and users. What we do? We detect problems caused by vibrations for an informed assessment.
Impact on buildings, building foundations
If dwellings or office blocks are built in the vicinity of vibration sources, such as railway tracks or industrial plants, nuisances might occur in these buildings due to vibrations or secondary airborne sound. The same applies of course for all situations when new plants are erected close to vulnerable constructions.
With a site assessment based on in-field vibration measurements and subsequent prediction calculations, the expected exposure to vibration in the building can be determined and compared to relevant reference or limit values
If there are harmful effects – detected or predicted – Müller-BBM can help both the owner and the planner to find an optimized design of structural components. Another service, always with regard to vibration control, is the elaboration of reduction measures such as e.g. an elastic support of buildings to protect the physical structure and to guarantee functionality.
Land-use planning, planning approval
For the preparation of development plans Müller-BBM can also provide adapted text modules etc. for use in statutes and in statements on land-use plans.
With our expertise we can allude to potential conflicts of interests already at an early stage of the decision process and suggest solutions, which is quite important for land-use planning and approval procedures. Müller-BBM experts are also available for public hearings to support planners and owners by explaining specific issues.
As our experts are excellent networkers you can have direct access to the cumulative competence and experience of Müller-BBM just by contacting your project responsible. He or she will be happy to establish contact with experts of other business fields at Müller-BBM.
We regularly offer seminars on vibration control issues for continued professional training of your staff.