Odour predictions
If new buildings with odour emitting plants are planned or if existing plants shall be extended, the authorities require expert reports as part of the application documents.
Among others, expert reports with a prediction of the expected environmental impact are necessary. For this purpose we apply dedicated calculation models and can fall back on various documented odour emission measurement results and a comprehensive experience in the emission behaviour of odour emitting plant types. This combination enables us to predict the odour development of plants to be built or modified with realistic results and to assess reliably the effect of emission reducing measures. Within the frame of case-by-case analyses (e. g. for an improvement licence), the expected intensity of odour in the vicinity of plants can be assessed and evaluated.
Apart from dispersion calculations (in particular in the field of animal agriculture), we apply methods for calculating the minimum distance of plants to the neighbouring residential buildings. Within the frame of land use planning we check for you whether planned (residential) buildings in the vicinity of a development plan are compatible or whether the designation of planned industrial areas should be regulated or restricted with respect to odour emissions in order to prevent problems with already existing residential areas in the neighbourhood from the start.