Environmental impact assessment
The statutory immission protection license of a plant according to § 10 or § 19 of the German Federal Pollution Control Act (BImSchG) or approval of a significant modification of a plant pursuant to § 16 BImSchG postulates that harmful environmental effects and other hazards, significant disadvantages and strains on the general public and the neighbourhood may not be brought about. In addition, precautions must be taken against harmful environmental impacts, especially by limiting emissions with the use of appropriate state-of-the-art technical measures.

To this end, Müller-BBM Industry Solutions GmbH offers you comprehensive services. This includes expert testing for environmental compatibility. The environment and its constituents as well as the manner in which they interrelate are initially described and evaluated with regard to the protected resources. These include humans, animals and plants, soil, water, climate/air, landscape appearance, cultural and material goods. Then, the expected effects of the planned project are ascertained, described and expertly evaluated in relation to the relevant protected resources. The expert report also indicates how expected impacts can be minimised or counterbalanced. The expert report is concluded with an evaluation of the project's environmental compatibility.
Müller-BBM Industry Solutions GmbH supports you during the evaluation for environmental compatibility during all design and project stages. For this purpose, we also prepare the necessary technical reports (e.g. immissions forecasts for airborne pollutants, noise assessment, etc.). From the design phase to project completion, we provide you with advice and support for determining your responsibilities as regards the environmental compatibility assessment of your project, the preparation and implementation of project meetings, compiling application documents, coordinating public participation events (discussion dates), as well as examining and processing objections and opinions.
Our services include:
- Environmental compatibility assessments/studies
- General preliminary assessment of individual cases according to UVPG (screening)
- Site-related preliminary assessment of individual cases according to UVPG (screening)
- Creation of scoping documents and implementation of scoping date
- Establishing mandatory EIA for a project
- Proposed solutions for avoidance/minimisation of environmental impact
- Process coordination
- Coordination with the competent authorities
- Response to opinions and objections