Hand-arm vibration test
Pursuant to the amended EC Machinery Directive (2006/42/EC), since 2010, manufacturers are required to provide information on noise and vibration emissions in operating manuals, and must provide the same information as in the operating manuals wherever mechanical performance specifications are given, such as in sales brochures, catalogues or in the Internet. It is for this reason that Müller-BBM Industry Solutions GmbH, as an accredited testing laboratory, carries out vibration measurements in accordance with each of the requisite laboratory test procedures for hand-held and hand-operated devices in its own hand-arm vibration test bench.
The measurements are based on the following standards
- Directive 2006/42/EC (Amended EC Machinery Directive), Official Journal of the European Union No. L 157/24, 9.6.2006. Entered into force on 29.12.2009.
- Directive 98/37/EC ("previous" EC Machinery Directive). Official Journal of the European Union No. L 207, 23.7.1998.
- 9th GPSGV (Ninth Ordinance to the Equipment and Product Safety Act) (amended Machine Ordinance - 9th GPSGV of 29.12.2009).