Our test facilities and measuring systems are an essential foundation for our successful participation in research projects

Initial Training Networks (ITN) Marie Skłodowska Curie Actions

Within Marie Curie Actions, the European Union is funding Initial Training Networks (ITN) which offer early stage researchers the opportunity to work on innovative projects in multinational, interdisciplinary teams and thus to improve their research skills and enhance their career prospects.

Some of the projects offer the possiblity of obtaining a PhD. An ITN is formed by at least three participants; they can be universities, research centers or companies. Müller-BBM is or was involved in the following ITN project.

Read more about Initial Training Networks (ITN) Marie Skłodowska Curie Actions:

Initial Training Networks (ITN) Marie Skłodowska Curie Actions


FlowAirS: Silent Air Flows in Transport, Buildings and Power Generation

Sonorus - Initial Trianing Network "Urban Sound Planner"

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