Verification of combustion conditions
Müller-BBM Industry Solutions GmbH service spectrum also includes verification of the minimum standards applicable to combustion conditions, e.g. in
- plants for combustion and waste incineration (17 BImSchV-plants)
- Large-scale combustion plants and gas-turbine plants(13 BImSchV-plants)
- Crematorium plants (27 BImSchV-plants)
This includes
- the verification of combustion conditions - blending, dwell time and minimum temperature in combustion chamber - as specified in § 4 of 17 BImSchV based on the BMU (Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety) circular dated 13/6/2005, supplemented on 04/08/2010
- the functions testing and calibration of automated emission-measuring devices for monitoring combustion conditions pursuant to § 10 and § 11 of 17 BImSchV and § 3 and § 7 of 27 BImSchV.
- the metrological backing of measures for reducing emissions of nitrogen oxides (NOx), nitrous oxide (N2O) and reducing agents, e.g. ammonia (NH3) in incineration plants with the use of selective catalytic and non-catalytic reduction methods (SCR/SNCR).
- the ongoing detection of emissions of nitrogen oxides (NO/NO2), nitrous oxide gas, and ammonia slips.
- the detection and specification of suitable injection levels for secondary measures aimed at reducing nitrogen oxide levels via the SNCR method.