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Müller-BBM continues investigations into the future of noise control and reduction of air pollutants from road traffic

More and more innovations developed with the participation of Bavarian engineers help to improve quality of life.

Since 1996 the investigation of noise production by tyre/road interaction is being pursued by Müller-BBM both in Germany and on an international level. In the past two years substantial innovations were brought to readiness for market and new insights were obtained for further investigation projects. The essential tasks in this context are measurement and analysis of the dependence of tyre/road noise from the properties of the road surface, but to a great extent, also the improvement and new development of road surfaces.

SPERoN (Statistical Physical Explanation of Rolling Noise)

The computational model SPERoN was developed in cooperation with the Institute of Applied Acoustics of the Chalmers University Gothenburg and M + P raadgevende ingenieurs in Vught (The Netherlands). It allows for the design of new, highly effective noise reducing road surfaces as well as for evaluation of the acoustic properties of road cover layers in the laboratory and test phase. This computational model is in increasing demand as well as in The Netherlands as abroad and is being applied continuously, among others, by the Delft University of Technology and the Danish Road Directorate. Its development was supported by the German Federal Road Institute (Bundesanstalt für Straßenwesen, BASt), the German Federal Ministry of Education and Investigation and the Dutch Traffic Ministry.

The influence of open porous asphalt on the load of particulate matter along roads

The results of an investigation project (Fe 02.273/200/LRB) that ended recently, suggest a considerable potential for reduction of particulate matter. When roads are layered with open porous asphalt (Offenporiger Asphalt or OPA in German) the PM10 load can be reduced significantly, depending on the boundary conditions. A wider application of OPA can be one measure in a framework of air-pollution control and action plans according to the 22nd Federal Immission Protection Ordinance and can contribute to a sustained reduction of the PM10 load.

Multifunctional road surface made from nano optimised ultra high performance concrete

Since the middle of 2009, Müller-BBM has been investigating, in cooperation with partners from industry and a University, on a production procedure for stable, low-noise, non-petrochemical and enduring concrete road surfaces made from ultra high-strength concrete (UHPC). With the aid of methods from nanotechnology and materials on a nano scale, a high performance construction system both from the construction and the environmental point of view, is to be developed. The results of the work on materials, methods and machines for the reproducible construction of a low-noise and slip-proof surface texture will be one milestone of this project, which is supported by the Federal Ministry of Education and Investigation with the support measure "Nanotechnology in Construction - NanoTecture" (13N10492-10500).

Compact Seminar "Low-noise road surfaces inside and outside of communities"

On October 19, 2009, Müller-BBM will present its knowledge and services in the context of consultancy for adequate solutions, support in the compilation of an invitation to bid, acoustic suitability certificates, check tests and long-term monitoring in a free one-day seminar in the Filderhalle in Leiningen-Echterdingen.

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