Airborne sound emissions from machines

In accordance with EC Directive 2006/42/EC (Machinery Directive), machine manufacturers must provide minimum information on the airborne sound emissions of their machines before placing them on the market and/or putting them into operation. In accordance with the 9th Ordinance to the Product Safety Act, this must be documented in the operating instructions for the machine. This enables the buyer to make comparisons and select low-noise products. These values must either have been actually measured on the system in question or determined by measurement on a technically comparable representative unit. To properly determine the sound emission data of a machine, sound pressure or sound intensity measurements must be carried out in accordance with internationally standardised measurement methods as given in DIN EN ISO 3740 et seq., DIN EN ISO 11200 et seq. or DIN EN ISO 9614 et seq.

Our specialists in industrial and machine acoustics enable machine manufacturers to carry out the measurements independently by advising on the selection of measuring equipment, offering training on how to carry out the sound measurements properly and analysing and acoustically optimising the test environment. Alternatively, as an accredited and notified testing institute, we carry out the acoustic measurements on site at the manufacturer's premises or, if necessary, in our test benches, thus reducing the workload for our clients. Based on this data, the machine manufacturer fulfils its legal obligations and enables the purchaser to include the expected noise exposure in a corresponding forecast when planning new work areas and workplaces.

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Qualified acoustic measurements provide legal certainty and enable product comparison.

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