Cloud-based solutions for all processes related to occupational safety and health

In 2018, the occupational safety management system (AMS) of Müller-BBM GmbH was examined by the employer’s liability insurance association (VGB) according to the standard “AMS – systematic occupational safety”. In addition, the confirmation was given that the requirements stated in OHSAS 18001:2007 are met. The preparations for the conversion to DIN ISO 45001 are already underway.

The employees, the company and the clients of Müller-BBM GmbH benefit from this. The client can be sure that its contractor does not only offer the highest professional quality, but is also qualified as a service provider in line with occupational safety and health and is up to complex tasks.

A software solution is the logical consequence with regard to the support of management and executives, the optimal exploitation of company resources (human, social, material, spatial resources) and the process of continuous improvement (CIP).

For more details, please read the interview with one of our experts for occupational safety.

A cloud-based software for occupational safety makes it possible to access a central database with a smartphone or tablet anytime and everywhere.

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